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Burgundy Times Nine

One word, LOVE.

Of all the MAC Times Nine palettes, there's one that caught my eyes, heart and soul.

Burgundy Times Nine by MAC is so beautiful!

It's such a well-edited palette with multiple textures. As with all of MAC's eyeshadows, these are super soft, blendable and saturated.

I can't get enough of all the burgundy hues.

Embark and Sketch have always been personal favourites of mine, it really brings brown eyes to life.

If any palette has those warm, chocolatey browns and deep rose pinks, then consider it bought. Take my money!

This pocket-size, portable compact retails for $67 AUD at MAC (in-store and online) and includes nine eyeshadows which offer countless combinations for both day and night.

It's so versatile, so you can create office-appropriate looks or go the complete opposite and bring out your vamp side.

The eyeshadows featured in this palette are:

Honey Lust (Lustre)

Poppyseed (Satin)

Quarry (Matte)

Antiqued (Veluxe Pearl)

Embark (Matte)

#Noir (Velvet)

Haux (Satin)

Star Violet (Veluxe Pearl)

Sketch (Velvet)

MAC is a Make-Up Dream..

I just love it when companies come up with such lightweight and portable palettes. These Times Nine palettes are only 0.8g!

It's such a breeze when you're travelling and you only have to pack 1 or 2 of these beauties, as opposed to packing bulky palettes or a bag full of eyeshadow singles.

Like I said.. One word, Love.

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